
From StarfinderWiki

{{{1}}} [[{{{2}}}]], [[Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{". AG]]

Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Subpages of this template:

{{Pactworldsdate}} formats a month and year in Pact Standard Time After Gap format: the numeric date, followed by the day of the week, the month, and the year.


| day   = 
| date  = 
| month = 
| year  = 

All parameters are optional. If invoked without parameters, {{Pactworldsdate}} displays today's real-world date translated into After Gap, per the Canon Policy.

date (optional)
The number of the day. Default is the Pact Worlds equivalent of today's date. To prevent the date from displaying, omit this parameter.
day (optional)
The number (ie. 1) or text (ie. Firstday) of the day. Default is the After Gap equivalent of today's real day. To prevent the day from displaying, pass the day as an empty parameter.
month (optional)
The number (ie. 12) or name (ie. Kuthona) of the month. Default is the Pact Worlds equivalent of today's month.
year (optional)
The number of the year. Default is the Pact Worlds equivalent of today's year (this year - 1700).


| day   = 4
| date  = 1
| month = Abadius
| year  = 315

Fourthday, 1 Abadius, 315 AG

Convert an arbitrary real-world Earth date to AR

The special subtemplate {{Pactworldsdate/current}} converts a numeric month and four-digit Gregorian calendar year to After Gap.





1 Calistril, 315 AG

However, to convert today's date, simply use {{Pactworldsdate}} without any parameters.


Fifthday, 21 Calistril, 325 AG