
From StarfinderWiki

Eronesse is the capital city of the Azlanti Star Empire and the largest city on New Thespera, throne world of the Star Empire.1


Eronesse is located on Urgulan, the smallest continent on New Thespera, and the site of the original Azlanti colony. It consists of thousands of gleaming skyscrapers, vast domes, parks, and compounds that float on the sky. Its major sites include the Imperial Palace, the Planetary Governmental Compound, the Municipal Citadel, the headquarters for the Imperial Fleet and Aeon Guard, the Grand Temple of Lissala, and the main campus of the Academy of Purpose.12


Although nominally under the direct rule of the Star Imperators, most of Eronesse's daily activities are handled by Maellis Maellora, the current Chancellor of Eronesse.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Larry Wilhelm, et al. “Codex of Worlds: New Thespera” in The Rune Drive Gambit, 62. Paizo Inc., 2018
  2. Eleanor Ferron, et al. “Empire of the Aeon Throne” in Escape from the Prison Moon, 40. Paizo Inc., 2018