
From StarfinderWiki

Toxic (planet), none (ring)
Year length (PST)
365 days
Day length (PST)
120 hours
A ring
Source: The Starstone Blockade, pg(s). 62

Riyethira is a volcanic planet orbited by a massive artificial ring built by a highly advanced ancient civilisation. Having recently been discovered by the Pact Worlds and Veskarium, it is currently the site of a xenoarchaeological project co-led by the Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology on Castrovel and the Imperial Academy of Xenosciences on Vesk Prime.1


The only planet orbiting a red dwarf star in the Vast, Riyethira is geologically unstable. Rampant volcanism fills the surface with volcanoes and seas of lava, which regularly transforms the surface and erases any trace of life. It is suspected that Riyethira might have once been terraformed, though its volcanic state is likely the result of bombardments that fractured its crust and also devastated the buildings on its ring.1

Riyethira's ring, which orbits it at a distance that gives it standard gravity, was constructed through stellar engineering, but currently has no atmosphere. Both the ring and the ruins upon it are millions of years old, though the Gap makes determining the exact age impossible.1


Expeditions into the ruins have revealed evidence of a long-gone, magically and technologically advanced, non-humanoid civilisation with access to interstellar travel. Multiple large, crustacean-like robots of unknown purpose have been discovered; most of these robots are severely damaged, though their power transmission networks still work, it might be possible to reactivate the few complete ones and learn more about Riyethira. It is speculated that Riyethira is a relic of the Sivv Dominion, a little-known ancient culture.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Eleanor Ferron, et al. “Codex of Worlds: Riyethira” in The Starstone Blockade, 62. Paizo Inc., 2020