
From StarfinderWiki

1 mile
less than 1/100
(artificial) 1
Year length (PST)
1 year (artificial)
Day length (PST)
1 day (artificial)
Source: The Liberation of Locus-1, pg(s). 56

40% human, 10% shirren, 9% ysoki, 7% android, 7% lashunta, 5% halfling, 5% vesk, 4% gnome, 2% kasatha, 11% other
Source: The Liberation of Locus-1, pg(s). 52

Locus-1 is a space station that orbits the Locus, a hub of trade, travel, and research in the Locus system.1


Locus-1 orbits a space between Tyru and Yormata, the first and second planets in the Locus system.1 It resembles a thick disc surrounding a short tower that houses the Operations Center, communications and sensor arrays. Two wide arms extend from the station, and serve starships that are too big to fit inside the hangar. A thin spine juts from the bottom, where sails collect the radiation exuded by the Locus.2 Each quadrant is equipped with two light particle beams, a heavy laser net and a twin laser.1


Locus-1 is ruled by the Science Council, whose members each occupy an area of interest on the station. Most of these interests are academic, so many (but not all) members of the council are scientists. Different groups choose their representative on the council through various methods, democratic or not. The scientists on the Council elect one of them as the chancellor, who possesses the authority to speak for the council and break deadlocks among the main four members.3

Currently, the council's four scientists are Lorkin Haas (life sciences and cultural studies), Valun Glanjau (engineering and physical sciences), Usk Palino (art and magic) and Deve Pakna (computing, technical services and archiving). Other members are Froxilix (commerce), Atesskret (spiritual and civil matters) and Larixa Bodinnok (travel and shipping). Officially, the Science Council meets monthly, though in practice meetings are more frequent. Citizens can bring grievances, requests and legal matters before the council, special and court sessions and emergency meetings occur as necessary. The Chamber of Commerce meets on a schedule designed to avoid conflict with the Science Council, and hears issues from workers and deal with employment.3

Locus-1 has no military forces, only a small contingent of security robots. An official militia is organised by the station to intervene in sticky situations, and physically-capable citizens often volunteer in order to ensure peace and a reliable economy.3


When the Locus system was charted by the Starfinder Society, the Haas Foundation proposed a non-commercial venture. The Starfinder Society contributed astrogation information and funds, the Xenowardens sought to protect the ecosystems, and several universities joined in underwriting the project. The carrier Locus-1 was launched in 313 AG, and settled into orbit around the Locus after conducting a brief system survey. While it was originally meant to be located inside Tyru's orbit, as close to the Locus as possible, it had to be moved to its current location due to the Locus' magical disruption.1

After a year, the carrier was retrofitted into a science station and starport, according to plan. During this time, traffic increased, bringing materials and attention, including criminals and corporations.1


Locus-1's population is diverse and consists mostly of those who work as part of or support the station's mission; few people are outside the official hierarchy. Some people work in both legitimate jobs and clandestine activities, but criminals are rare. Refugees from the Azlanti Star Empire make up a significant minority population and are provided a place, or escape from the Locus system if they so desire.2 Since it is located far from the Pact Worlds and near the Star Empire's territory, tourism and commerce are less frequent than on the likes of Outpost Zed, but requires regular supplies, including rare materials and gear, due to its status as a research facility and trade hub. The Star Empire and nearby pirates covetously look at Locus-1.1

Society on Locus-1 is stratified but egalitarian: poor people are rare and rich people rarer. The working class is provided job security, high pay, adequate lodgings and recration. Opulence is difficult due to the small space, despite one's wealth; new arrivals must leave most of their luxury at the docking hub.2

Locus-1's power grid is efficient, based on harvesting Locus radiation. All waste is put to use, usually recycled or compressed for fusion fuel. Hydroponic agriculture provides plentiful food, since the Locus supports life in improbably ways; Usk Palino suspects that this comes from a combination of Locus energies that mixes together. Since the station has ties to influential groups like the Xenowardens and the Starfinder Society, rare, unusual materials and gear have a tendency to find their way to Locus-1. Azlanti tech is also relatively common, brought over by refugees from the Star Empire.32


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Chris S. Sims. “The Locus System” in The Liberation of Locus-1, 51. Paizo Inc., 2021
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chris S. Sims. “The Locus System” in The Liberation of Locus-1, 53. Paizo Inc., 2021
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Chris S. Sims. “The Locus System” in The Liberation of Locus-1, 52. Paizo Inc., 2021