Citadel of the Black

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Pilgrims heading to the Citadel of the Black.

Citadel of the Black

45% human, 14% orocoran, 11% ysoki, 6% android, 24% other
Source: Pact Worlds, pg(s). 142
PFW compass rose 150.png

This article might have further canon details available on PathfinderWiki.

The Citadel of the Black is the largest settlement on Aucturn.1


The Citadel of the Black is situated on the northern shore of the Undulating Sea, in the southern hemisphere of the planet. A massive building almost a mile tall and several dozens of acres large, the Citadel is made of a jumbled collection of dense stone, black iron, pulsing flesh-bricks, spires of jagged bone and tough organic membranes. Due to eldritch atmospheric pumping engines within the building, the air inside is not toxic, unlike the Aucturn atmosphere. Some believe that the tower is bigger on the inside, or that it has multiple interiors, each its own demiplane.1

The Citadel of the Black houses many libraries of blasphemous tomes, such as the tumorous Weeping Cathedral or the magically silenced Repository of Errant Lore. Beneath the building itself lies the fleshfarms which feed the populace.1


The absolute ruler of the Citadel of the Black is Carsai the King, immortal high priest of Nyarlathotep and rumoured avatar of the Outer God himself. Despite Carsai's position, the Citadel of the Black is not a theocracy. The Highstalkers, based in the Citadel of the Black, is a security firm that straddles the line between police force and sanctioned serial killers.1


The Citadel of the Black is very sparsely populated, and many residents, many of whom are misanthropic hermits and obsessed scholars, go days without seeing another, which suits them just fine. Other citizens work the fleshfarms underneath the Citadel, or serve in the Highstalkers. The Citadel is home to as many agnostic scholars as it does cultists of Nyarlathotep.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Alexander Augunas, et al. Pact Worlds, 141–142. Paizo Inc., 2018