Facinora Basin

From StarfinderWiki
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This article might have further canon details available on PathfinderWiki.

The Facinora Basin is a continent-sized crater, thousands of miles deep and thousands across, located in the northern hemisphere of Eox. It was created during the same cataclysm that destroyed the planet's ecosystems, and reaches close to the core of Eox, filling it with lava and toxic gases even millennia after its formation. It is surrounded by the Fringe, a ring of mountains, home to heat-loving creatures that are not immune to fire. Due to its danger (even by Eox's standards), most residents avoid the Facinora Basin.1

The only major settlement in the Facinora Basin is the Pyre, a massive tower-arcology that harnesses power from the churning lava. A few lava-mining and research stations also exist in the Facinora Basin.2
